Friday, March 21, 2008

Can someone please tell me . . .

why formatting is such a pain in Blogger? To get spaces between paragraphs, sometimes I have to hit enter a few times and even then it doesn't put a space in. And I cannot change the size of the font on that last line. It is driving me bonkers. Those of you who know me well know that I am an absolute perfectionist when it comes to that kind of thing. Suggestions are appreciated!!!


Shel said...

HELLO FRIEND!! I was sooo excited to find your comment on my blog...YAY! And sooo fun to see all this fun stuff on your blog! I am sorry you have been so sick....miserable....moms should NOT be allowed to get sick! Sooooo....I have a solution for your issue here....I LOVE to do my posts through something I found called Windows Live Writer. It is a free download from Microsoft and I can change my fonts and enlarge pics and do whatever...I love it! Go to this site and download it...totally is Microsoft!
Call me if you have questions or need help setting it will even collect data from your blog so that as you type (and can be offline even) it will look like your blog....pretty cool. K friend...I am adding you to my links of friends!! Shel (PS...looks like you have Memory Maker too?? Love your fun stuff you did on your blog...and Hannah's Valentines are adorable!!)

Rachel and Gavin said...

Just wanted to say that I'm glad that you are feeling better! :) It's true, mom's should not be able to get sick! Anyway, this whole blogging thing, sorry I can't help I'm a dummy when it comes to these kind of things. I try to get on and off as fast as possible, very impatient. :|

Lori said...

Sorry I am not able to help you either. I am having problems just trying to change the background on my blog. I have tried a couple different times and still no luck.