Monday, November 10, 2008

Figured it out, kinda sorta

I stayed up way too late last night because the Google Reader thing STILL wasn't working, and it was driving me crazy. I think I finally got it to work correctly, the only problem is that in Google Reader it lists my blog as being called "Family Gems", but it is feeding my posts correctly. I suppose you can rename it in your Reader, as I still haven't figured out how to correct it.

On another note, I discovered that Blogger essentially has NO customer service, just some help topics and a help forum. No way to contact them directly. Nice.


Lori said...

YAY!! It works now! My google reader that is. I was wondering what was going on, but didn't give it to much concern. Thanks for explaining.

Jess said...

Finally it works! I'm glad you got it all figured out!

nelly said...

yes mine works and it has your correct name too. All about us

Tanner Fam said...

I think you just found your next job.

Colemans said...

Hi Fechters!! Wow, you know about Google readers and feeds and all that stuff. I still click and point on everything I want to read. I'll be your first client...

Shel said...

I have been meaning to write you for weeks about this! I took you off my list of faves because I could never get you I was soo sad! But when I did what you said a few weeks ago, deleted you and put you in again it didn't work. Now that you have deleted gems, I bet it will work...hooray! I will go add you again! I was gonna just put you on my private list since it cant be associated with google reader. Welcome back! I'm with Jen...I think you found your next job! :)

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