Monday, August 3, 2009

Summer Fun

I know it's been awhile since I blogged . . . but it's summer, and I just get really lazy in the summer. Don't you?

On my very long list of "What I Shall Do With My Time When All Three Of My Children Are In School Starting Next Week: Hooray!" is update this blog with our summer vacation pictures. But for today I will just say that $2.48 invested in a Slip N Slide a few years ago that we finally pulled out of the box this year has helped make the summer fun.

The proof:

Fun with the Fechter cousins

And fun with the Ray cousins.

It has also provided entertainment for the kids during a presidency meeting and sanity for me in the late afternoon when I need the kids to get out of the house for awhile.

I love Slip N Slide. I also love Target clearance.


Adelaide said...
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Lori said...

Do all your post start with "it's been a while since I blogged."?J/K Hooray for you, all of your kids are going to be in school!

Cami said...

I miss Target clearance. We got a slip 'n' slide there a couple of years ago too for cheap...too funny. Your kids are just growing up so fast!

Jess said...

How fun! I love your cute pictures....and slip n slides too!

Tanner Fam said...

Come on, be love Target return center more than clearance. Did they let you return the slip--n--slide when you were done?

Shel said...

A little jealous ours WASN'T on clearance but we needed it...can you shop for me??!!
Hey, wanted to invite you to a little Scentsy party at my house next week...even if you cant or don't want to buy anything, would love to have you come for fun...but I dont have your email I will leave mine so you can email me and I will send you an invite...I thought I would invite you, Jen, Suzanne and Stephanie....if I can locate emails!! Erase mine b4 you publish this if you do please!! XOXOX Shel shelturley at gmail dot com